Motivating your child to do better on guitar

Since I was eight years old, I’ve been interested in playing the guitar. The encouragement I received grew my passion even further.

My mother was behind me every step of the way even though I did the bulk of the practice. I was encouraged by her.

Playing my mother her favourite songs

Whenever I played her a song on my guitar, she would sing along to what I played.

It actually doesn’t matter now that some of my guitar playing wasn’t great, but she sang along regardless.

Children must see that you are genuinely interested in their success as guitarists. The joy they feel is the most beautiful thing you can imagine. Especially when they want your approval.

Review their session notes and encourage them to make improvements

For each lesson topic, the kids take notes as they go.

After each session, go over the notes with your child to help them remember.

In any case, 3 days have passed and they are forgetting everything they did.

It may be difficult for their notes to make much sense in the beginning. Especially in the beginning. They will also have trouble practicing.

You need to help them most of all, that’s what matters most. If you need separate assistance from your teacher, do so.

Talking to your child about notes. Your child will then understand that playing the guitar takes a lot of practice. It takes a lot of repetition. There is nothing wrong with that. It takes perseverance.

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